The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus

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I was out on the internet today thinking about what might be appropriate for a middle of the week post on here, and when I saw that there was a new sexy underwear shoot with the gorgeous Tomas Skoloudik for Impetus it was a no-brainer.

Tomas Skoloudik has made it onto the Gay Body Blog numerous times in the past, and I think everyone welcomes photos of him with open arms. The handsome model has it all going on, with his good looks and that smooth natural jock body, and not to mention the bulge of his ass and dick too - of course I have to mention this when I'm sharing photos of such a hottie! ;)

I know you might look at these photos and think what I'm thinking - a little too much air brushing going on here. But, this is Tomas Skoloudik, so do we really care all that much? It's perhaps a little disappointing that they felt the need to try to make him shiny when he's gorgeous as it is, but we still get to eye him lustily and appreciate that stubbly face, his bulging package and that tight smooth bod.

He's definitely cheered up my Wednesday ;)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (1)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (2)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (3)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (4)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (5)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (6)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (7)

The Delicious Tomas Skoloudik For Impetus (8)

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