The Dark Masculinity Of Photographer Peter Zvonor

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I guess if you've been here long enough you probably know that I have some special interests when it comes to male photography. For example, I love it when a photographer puts a hot model in a real industrial or derelict environment, I love the contrast of the male form against a rough background.

Another thing I really love to see in photography is great use of light, and an artistic edge. There are some awesome photographers out there who can deliver images that you can imagine on a canvas, because they've done something so artistically beautiful it's more like a painting than a photo.

I think Peter Zvonor is one of those photographers.

One of my buddies (Hi Mike!) is in quarantine right now and spending most of his time online, he's been sending me plenty of hot guys to check out and enjoy and when he saw these men posing for Peter Zvonor he knew I would be into it.

He's not wrong. I love these photos. I love the men, the style, the mood and the creativity. I think a lot of you will like these too :)

Let me know in the comments, maybe I can find more of his awesome work out there to share with you.

Hit that thumbs-up button before you go!

Have a great Monday :)

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4 years ago


I like my working men dirty with grease, oil and sweat!

4 years ago

en d’autres temps je lui passerais un savon (fumer et boire….) mais en confinement je comprends qu’ils prennent le taureau par les cornes ; attention tous les robinets ne sont pas propres à se laver de tout virus

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