The Caddy And The Daddy Part 1 – Kaleb Stryker Rides Silver Fox Dale Savage

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I know a lot of you guys have a thing for older men, and I get it. A few years ago when I was much more active in the dating scene I discovered that a lot of really hot older guys were kind of being ignored, a lot of guys my age were putting disclaimers like "under 30 only". I was okay with that, because I got to meet some damn fine hunks and had some awesome experiences :)

This video from got me thinking about a few of those older guys when I saw silver fox Dale Savage giving it to hot young jock Kaleb Stryker.

I don't golf, but if this is the kind of thing caddies get up to I might have to consider looking into it.

The young man is spending his time fantasizing about the handsome older gent and with the delivery of some close-quarters golf tips for the young man they're soon heading back to the garage for a little more privacy.

I guess you can tell what happens next from the photos. Needless to say young Kaleb gets a good round in with the sexy older man, fed that big dick and rimmed out before getting it from behind and taking a ride on that bareback man meat!

Enjoy the photos, click through for the video and get a discount with our link :)

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