The Bulging Package Of Diego Arnary

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We recently had the chance to enjoy the sight of gorgeous Diego Arnary naked, being less than shy about getting his cock out and showing it off for the world to enjoy, but I thought we deserved a little more of the guy on the Gay Body Blog and after looking around at a lot of his other shoots I decided a dick bulge collection was required. I expect you to back me up on this, leave a comment and let me know what you guys think! I love the guy. He's so handsome and so fit, with just the right amount of fur on his amazing body. He has a real masculinity to him too while being seen in plenty of shots with other gorgeous guys. I guess we all know he's into dudes, right? You might not know that he's actually Colombian, or that he's an actor. To be honest, I had no idea about any of that, I just knew him as a gorgeous male model who looks damn fine in front of the cameras and has a hobby of hanging out with other gorgeous men :) He's not just a pretty face. In recent years he's worked hard on anti-bullying projects, including Easier than you Think, aimed at educating and raising awareness. I think we all agree that he's gorgeous, talented and adorable. Can you imagine having this guy in your life?

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7 years ago

there are some nice cock shots done by rick day out there!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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