The Boy Needs Some Manscaping!

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Give me this guy and a set of hair clippers, I have some work to do.

His name is Hamish (how very British!) and he's been photographed by Richard Yap. Both are completely new to me, I do believe, but I'm liking what I'm seeing in this shoot, aside from the scrubby bush.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the totally shaved look with a passion, but there is a point at which there is just too much going on down there.

Other than that, Hamish is a sexy young man with a great body and a handsome face. I think there might be a little airbrushing going on in some of these photos, because he seems to have that "shiny silver mannequin" look about him, but I can forgive that for now.

But, I can't stop looking at that bush! I don't know whether it's just the contrast of the images that makes it look like a muff from a 70's porno, or whether it really is that thick and bushy, but either way it is definitely a distraction.

What say you guys? Is it sexy to have that going on around a guys nether-regions? Is bushy pubes coming back into fashion?

I really want to hear you all saying no to that last one lol

The Boy Needs Some Manscaping 6

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10 years ago

do whatever you want in the manscaping dept, but please, leave that treasure trail alone.

10 years ago

Looks like the treasure trail already had something done, but I wouldn’t touch a thing.

10 years ago

don’t touch a thing!

Alec Scudder
Alec Scudder
10 years ago

Even with the bush, he’s dead sexy, you git! So it takes longer since ya have to stop and pull pubes from your tongue? Sweet any way ya slice it. I don’t mind a ‘return’ as long as it’s neat AND clean. LOL! Love ya, babes.

10 years ago

He IS manscaped.. Smooth body.. rest of the bush is fine in contrast.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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