The Big Dick Energy Of Keith Laue
I know I'm taking the term Big Dick Energy out of context for this post but I don't care. I felt like getting a little more literal when I discovered all these hot pics of Keith Laue in a folder on my desktop.
You might recall that we've seen this gorgeous young man before.
In fact, we enjoyed him twice back in 2018, and I'm not sure why we haven't had him back on the blog.
Clearly we've been missing out!
I'm guessing he's still out there doing his thing, because I'm sure some of these photos are more recent.
He's quite the handsome hunk, isn't he?
Now, at risk of repeating myself, I think we can all see why he's posing in underwear so often.
Some guys just look awesome wearing very little, and he clearly has enough to fill up some briefs extremely well.
We're not all about the size here, but we have to admit we do love checking out a studly young man with real big dick energy like this :)
I think I'm gonna have to look around for more of this sexy Texan. It's been so long since we last saw him I'm assuming there's plenty of him to enjoy in future posts.
Let me know what you guys think in the comments. You do want more of him, right?
And, incidentally, don't you think he looks a lot like Pietro Boselli? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like they could be brothers.

What a beautiful young man.
Lindo (✿ ♡‿♡)
amateur de modèles porteurs de sous vëtement je ne puis que l’apprécier
Keith is SO hot and that dick is definitely BIG. I’ve seen the leak lol.