The Big Bulge Of Grégory Capra

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We've had a few posts of the hot and hunky Grégory Capra on the Gay Body Blog before but after seeing a new photo of the hunk showing off his bulge I thought it was about time we saw some more photos of the guy.

For those of you who might not know anything at all about him, he's a handsome and buff French personal trainer and male model. No stranger to the gay scene and an adoring audience, he's regularly seen in magazines and in editorials showing off that fine physique and being extremely sexy and teasing too.

He's one of those gorgeous French men who really isn't scared to show off a little more than the average male model out there. But you know what they say - if you've got it, flaunt it!

I certainly appreciate his generous nature when it comes to showing off, and some of the photos I've seen of this guy are wank-worthy without him even being naked ;)

I will have to get out there on the net again soon and see what else I can find featuring this gorgeous man and that sexy buff bod of his. I would really love to see a nude shoot of the guy.

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Pavel's Puss
Pavel's Puss
11 years ago

Why are the pics not available?

11 years ago

Great pics. Would love to see what’s hiding 🙂

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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