The Beautifully Naked Stephane Haffner

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We've seen him several times on the blog, but I think it's been a little too long since we last enjoyed the sight of handsome male model and dancer Stephane Haffner naked.

We all know from his previous posts that he's not at all shy about showing off more skin than the average model, and I guess I wouldn't be either if I looked as good as this naked! lol

Sadly, I can't move like this guy either. If I tried some of these poses I would most definitely break something, I'm certain of it.

Photographer Diego Sotelo is the man responsible for this gorgeous black and white shoot, with a stunning backdrop of a sunny coastal location. I have to confess that I'm quite jealous, can you imagine spending the day not only photographing this handsome naked man but also being in such a venue for it?

Once again I'm wondering if it's too late to get into photography.

Enjoy his photos, admire that bod, leave a comment and don't forget to give this post a thumbs-up too before you go. Maybe you could share this post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too?

Have a great Wednesday!

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4 years ago

Stephane Haffner always takes the most amazing photographs. He is a living work of art and every image is outstanding.

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