The Beautiful Paintings Of Michael Leonard

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Some of you might know from previous posts that I studied art. How I managed to go from that to writing is a long story that I should probably save for another day, but my history with art is a good excuse for sharing the work of some of my faves.

We're all about the male form here, and while most of our posts focus on photography it just wouldn't be right to ignore other art forms.

Michael Leonard (1933 - present) was one of my inspirations when I was studying.

I kind of progressed to him after admiring some of the real classics. You can probably see why. His paintings have a lot of that classical style, with feathery boundaries, high contrast of values and almost a golden hue to skin tones.

Of course, the subjects and poses are quite reminiscent of the classics, too, with elaborate fabric adding interest and detail.

I know this post has been far more arty and analytical than most of my posts here but I can't help but get into that head space when I'm talking about an artist like this.

Whether you're particularly into art or not you surely have to admit that this man's work is pretty remarkable and worth enjoying.

Who wouldn't want any of these examples on their wall?

Have a great Wednesday. I'm probably going to spend the next couple of hours trying to get all my work done so I can break out the paints and make some marks on a new canvas :)

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3 years ago

Beautiful classical style paintings. Though I think pic 3 (b/w) and pic 4 (colour) look like the same image. Maybe he’s doing hybrid art now (ie manual and digital art)?

1 year ago

Wow! Cute dick hairs – run ur hand through them and fluff them up.

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