That Charlie Matthews Cock Bulge Will Always Grab My Attention!
If there's one thing I know you all love to see it's that big Charlie Matthews cock bulge.
This handsome hunk has been a favorite here on the blog since we first laid our lustful eyes on him back in 2018. Even then we were a little late to the party.
We've made up for it since!
While this super handsome man seems to have slowed down a little in his professional modeling work, I'm glad to see he's still out there and doing his thing.
And, it seems he's getting even serxier.
While most of these pics are all about that package in his undies, that last pic is a little more revealing.
Obviously this handsome man is well-hung.
It's something he and his photographers seem to enjoy highlighting. And we love to see it!
Will we get to see him fully naked and showing off his immense manhood? I don't know. He does seem content to be a bit of a tease. He knows we would all love some full-frontals but he holds back.
I'm cool with enjoying that sexy Charlie Matthews cock bulge, for the time being :)
Enjoy, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him.
Have a fab Tuesday. I'll see you all back here tomorrow for more!

avec un brin de poésie nature en plus et que la chevelure blanchie lui va bien