Teasing Shots Of Rhys Gilyeat

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A good photo shoot can create almost a story in your mind. Okay, maybe that's not true if it's a fashion shoot and it's yet another guy in something small and tight on a beach somewhere, but shoots like this one of Rhys Gilyeat certainly have that potential for creating a fantasy narrative.

What little story did I come up with for this one? A late night hook up with a stranger in a dark place... and now I've said that it's what you guys are all thinking about too, right? I really don't think many of us would mind at all if we had the opportunity to hook up with this handsome and hunky dude!

I'm not sure who is responsible for the photos, it's another shoot sent to me by a reader who thought it would be worth sharing on the blog - and they were obviously right :)

We've never seen Rhys Gilyeat here before, but I'm hoping there's a lot more of him out there after seeing this. It might be a good example of how suggestive angles and careful lighting can make a male nude shoot incredibly hot, but we still want to see him in the buff lol

Update: We found out who the photographer for these shots is! Check out Dusty's work on Instagram at @dusterz or on his photography website.  

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