Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali

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This is not the first time we've had some photos of the handsome and muscular Daniel Garofali on the blog, but although we saw some sexy pics of him before almost naked and showing it all off, these are worthy of sharing too just because of their sexiness.

He's undoubtedly one of the hottest male models in the world, and there's no doubt that he has a big gay following too. I guess when you look like him and have that kind of body - and you're not scared to get a little sexy in a shoot - you're going to get our attention and a pretty impressive following!

He's hanging out at the beach for this one, with photographer Rick Day capturing him for DNA. We absolutely love Rick Day, everything he does is hot. He could shoot almost any guy and make him look sexy as hell in my opinion.

It's a little different to what I've seen from this photographer before, but I do love it anyway.

Can you imagine spending the day on the beach with this handsome young hunk? Yeah, I'll leave you with that horny thought for a while, rest assured I'll be spending some time thinking about how good that would be ;)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (1)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (2)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (3)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (4)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (5)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (6)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (7)

Tanned Hunk Daniel Garofali (8)

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Matt Lucking
Matt Lucking
11 years ago

First word out of my mouth when I opened this : Fuuuck…..

Reply to  Matt Lucking
11 years ago

Rude reflex, but relevant nonetheless.

11 years ago

Very beautiful man so pretty woah

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