Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Abs Out For Tony Veloz

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Hot on the heels of the sexy and slender male model Vincent we enjoyed in yesterday's post I have another gorgeous new arrival to share with you in Alexander Cruz. He's been snapped by Tony Veloz in this sexy shoot, showing off his tanned and defined body in a very teasing collection of images that we definitely want to see more of. I don't think we've had this handsome young man on the Gay Body Blog before, I'm sure I would have remembered that face (and those abs, and that chest, and that cock bulge!) but if we have then forgive me. I'm sure you won't mind more of him though, right guys? I don't usually go for the twinky models, there are some boys out there who just look unhealthy, and I'm more about the fit and buff dudes anyway, but I think Alexander Cruz is more of a twunk than a twink. I'm sure you'll tell me in the comments if I'm wrong :) That's your cue to say something about this boy in the comments section by the way. So go ahead, scroll down and enjoy his pics, then give him a thumbs up and leave your lovely message at the bottom! Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 1 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 2 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 3 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 4 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 5 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 6 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 7 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 8 Tanned Hottie Alexander Cruz Gets His Chest Out For Tony Veloz 9

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9 years ago

Tanned? Two months in solitary confinement with no windows; he would still have that olive skin. It’s called being Hispanic; he was born with it.

That said, he’s OK. I prefer a little more meat on the bones.

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