Take A Dip With Austin Scoggin

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Once again, I was absolutely certain that we'd seen Austin Scoggin on the Gay Body Blog before, but it seems this might be his first time here. Hopefully it won't be his last, because this is a sexy shoot that we want to see leading to a lot more!

I know what you're gonna say... why the frown? He does look extremely serious doesn't he? The look on his face just makes me want to tickle him and see what his smile looks like. He's a handsome guy, but he would definitely look even sexier if he smiled once in a while and didn't look like he'd just buried his best four-legged friend.

I'm not sure how the "teenage angst" look works with a shoot like this, of a sexy guy in some tight swimwear enjoying a pool. Yeah, it would work if the shoot was more urban and street-like I guess, but this setting and theme kind of makes me think it's more suited to a handsome daddy dude with some muscle and facial scruff.

Either way, it's a sexy collection of pics with a very sexy young man that I hope I can find more of out there. Photographer Rick Cohete is one that I'll have to keep my eyes open for in the future too.

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10 years ago

He is handsome, has a nice way about him!! Thanks so much!! I do love his underwear undies tho!! 🙂

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