Tagged: Kevin Williamson


Kevin Williamson Is Looking Amazing

It’s been a little while since we had anything on the blog from Timoteo, but after the guys there sent me this gorgeous shoot featuring Kevin Williamson looking so damn fine of course I had to get him on here for you guys to check out. This is part of the CellBlock 13 brand, one that we love on the...

Muscle Hunk Kevin Williamson For CellBlock 13 (6) 3

Muscle Hunk Kevin Williamson For CellBlock 13

I’ll bet that a lot of you are glued to the TV and watching the election right now. It might not directly affect people around the world, but indirectly it does. I would imagine a lot of you are keeping track of things. I definitely am. But I guess some of you might want a little distraction, and I think...