Tagged: Italian


Sexy Gabriele Serragom Teases In A New Shoot For Stavros Christodoulou

I didn’t think I would be Googling the names of members of the Backstreet Boys when I woke up this morning but handsome male model Gabriele Serragom has the kind of facial fur that inspired reminiscing in that direction. It took me a while to work out who he reminded me of, then I realized it was Kevin Richardson, who...


Handsome Italian Paolo Busti

Happy Tuesday guys! I hope this week is treating you well so far. I went for my government approved walk around the block this morning and I have to admit I’m a little worried about how normal things seem to be, it’s like everyone has forgotten the last three months entirely. I’m keeping my distance and wearing a mask but...


Sexy Italian Jock Gabriele Serrago Is Ready To Tease

Can you guess what Gabriele Serrago does for a living, I mean other than teasing the hell out of us all in some very sexy and quite revealing photos? Yeah, you guessed it, he’s a personal trainer. We went through a little phase where the models I was finding were a little more diverse in their career choices, but I...


The Movie Star Good Looks Of Italian Model Alex Vyntra

Help me out in the comments here, guys, who does Alex Vyntra remind you of? I was thinking he looked a little like Jake Gyllenhaal, but I think there might be another famous actor he resemble more directly and I just can’t put my finger on who that might be. I just know I’m going to be thinking about this...


Handsome And Rugged Italian Model Francesco Soave Makes My Loins Tingle

I suppose I should clarify that the title doesn’t mean Italian model Francesco Soave gave me an infection, if only there was an opportunity for that! lol No, Francesco Soave makes my loins tingle in the “oh, my jeans suddenly feel a lot tighter” kind of way. He’s so handsome it’s ridiculous. He’s that guy who walks into a bar...

Italian American Stud Muffin Lenny San (1) 1

Italian American Stud Muffin Lenny San

It kind of goes without saying that the majority of guys we have on the blog are American. It’s a shame, but the English internet seems to be unfairly slanted towards the US, just because of mathematics obviously. So it can sometimes be hard to find all those gems of international loveliness in all the sites out there that seem...