Tagged: Eden Yerushalmy


Oh My Goodness! Would You Look At Dor Chechik!

Okay guys, while I manage to find numerous gorgeous guys to share with you here on a daily basis even I get floored by the hotness of a model now and then. This is one of those times. I’ve just found Dor Chechik and I think I’m in love. Or lust. Perhaps both. He’s a model and actor who only...


We’re Gonna Need A Lot More Of Julian Aviel Jauvel

Happy Tuesday from a windswept UK! I’ve just spent half an hour rectifying pots in the garden after gale force winds came through overnight, in case you need any indication of how much I seem to have aged in the last year lol I think I just need to get back to the gym, concerts and pubs again, then I...


Yubal Sliper Is Looking Great In This Sexy Shoot By Eden Yerushalmy

I went for a run this morning and I can’t tell you what it did for me. The sun was out, it was actually quite warm, and while I was jogging through the woods I found another jogger I hadn’t seen for more than a year and we stopped to exchange pleasantries. Yes, he’s a very hot guy I’d been...


You Want To See Ofek Nicki Cohen In His Little White Undies

I don’t think he’s a male model, but he has a few things about him that really make him interesting to look at. His name is Ofek Nicki Cohen and he reminds me so much of a crazy guy I knew in college a long time ago. The guy I knew looked a lot like Ofek Nicki Cohen, and he...


Check Out The Ass, And More, Of Shmul Simchony

I’m fully back at work after a little break over Christmas. It was a strange one this year, wasn’t it? It just didn’t feel like Christmas to me. It was nice to have a couple of days off though. I did spend a little of that time going through my emails and checking out some of the hotties my friends...


Barak Vitlem Is A Shaggy Haired Hottie With A Great Body

When I first saw these photos of Barak Vitlem I had a good idea of what kind of guy he was within the first few moments. I think he’s the kind of young man who wears his adventurous nature on his face, so I knew straight away that he’s a back-packer who likes to go on adventures. I was apparently...


Yuval Sliper Knows How To Tease An Audience

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was glorious. I spent a little of it doing some gardening, more of it watching Netflix, and a good chunk of it watching porn too. Remember when weekends meant going to the pub of club with friends and maybe hooking up with someone interesting? I miss those days lol I’m spending too much time...


Some Guys Look Good Scruffy And Alon Shalev Is One Of Them

First I need to wish all our American readers a happy Thanksgiving! Whatever you’re doing I hope you have a good day. Now, on to today’s post! Because I work from home I tend to skip shaving and just tackle the mess when I have the time and inclination to do it, so you can probably imagine that this kind...


Handsome Alon Katz Looks Amazing In A Shoot For Eden Yerushalmy

I’ll admit that when I first saw these photos of handsome male model Alon Katz this morning I went down a bit or a rabbit hole looking for more of this guy and I think you can probably expect to see some more photos of him in the next few days πŸ™‚ I still know nothing about him. I tried...