Swell Damas Is Rugged And Ripped!

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I sometimes wonder what my "type" is, and after lusting after so many different men I have yet to be able to work out what it might be that they all have in common. When it comes to Swell Damas, I think I can say that it's that ruggedly handsome face and his willingness to show off a little more muscle than most in some very teasing images.

He's been shot by Manny Fontanilla for this collection of photos, and I think most would agree that it resulted in a very worthwhile post here on the Gay Body Blog.

The guy is gorgeous, I don't care if you don't agree with me ;)

I love his abs, his pecs, that teasing glimpse of his pubes... he's so good looking too but not in an airbrushed and typical way. He looks like the kind of rugged hunk you could go running with in the mountains and spend a night under canvas enjoying each other.

Okay, I think I just let slip my own fantasies when it comes to a man like this. Yes, I want to be in the wild for a weekend with a dude just like Swell Damas.

Don't even get me started on how horny I am for Bear Grylls!

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