Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine – David Picard

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Greg Vaughan is one of those photographers who regularly makes it onto the Gay Body Blog, and when you see these photos of the hairy, hunky and hot David Picard I think you'll understand why.

The handsome guy is showing off some of the "Charlie" range by clothing brand Matthew Zink in this collection of shots, with a distinctly homoerotic feel to them. I think it's fair to say that these photos are definitely aimed at guys like us, right?

It seems the studly gay bearish model is quite used to showing off his impressive pecs, and there are some self shots out there that I might share with you guys in another post, if you want to see them.

He's my kind of guy (but then again, so many guys are! lol) and I have to confess that I've wasted many an hour watching hunks like him working out in the gym and really not focusing on what I'm doing. Yeah, it might not be the most productive way to work out, but if you had a sexy man like this working out in front of you I doubt you'd be able to focus on anything but him ;)

For the first time in a long time I think I have to say that his hairy legs are one of the hottest things about him. Is that weird?

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (1)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (2)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (3)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (4)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (5)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (6)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (7)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (8)

Sweaty, Hairy And Masculine - David Picard (9)

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11 years ago

I love the hair and VERY longgggggggggg legs!! Handsome too! 🙂

11 years ago

This guy is gorgeous – so hot and sexy!! Love the hairy chest and beautiful masculine legs!!

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