Stunning James Yates Reveals More!

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I very nearly posted this as nude, but you know I have a rule about those posts and there needs to be at least one inch of dick on display to qualify. At the same time, this is such a brave departure from the norm for gorgeous male model James Yates that I almost wanted to stick a big neon sign over this post to get your eyes on it.

We've seen this insanely hot man several times on the blog and he always gets a great reception. Then again, how could he not, with a face and body like that?!

He's easily one of the most attractive men we've ever enjoyed on the site over the years, with several shoots that leave us all wanting a lot more of him.

We get a little more of the guy in this one, thanks to photographer Taylor Miller.

Obviously, we have plenty of teasing, a lot of his insanely good looks, and plenty of that fit body, but the last pic with the shape of his cock on display through those thin shorts is what's going to have you all wondering what might be coming next from this awesome man.

He's clearly not the shy type, and maybe he's just testing the limits to see how far he's comfortable going, but I know I'm not the only one who would really love a proper artistic and erotic shoot with him revealing all.

I think that could break this site if we posted it lol

Enjoy him, leave a comment, share the post, but most of all have a great Saturday!

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5 years ago

very nice, as usually

5 years ago

Definitely one of the first honorees in the GBB Hall of Fame.

4 years ago

[…] also not particularly shy. I don’t think we’ve seen any full-on nudity from him, but the last time we saw him he was real teasing with the shadow of his cock in some loose shorts and I know that image probably stuck with a lot of you (the way it did with me […]

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