Stunning Alexis Geronzi Takes A Dip In The Pool With Photographer Adan Romero
So, we're in December, finally, and I don't think I'm the only one really looking forward to the end of 2020. Who knows what next year might bring, but I'm pretty sure it can't be as bad as this year.
And now I'm regretting saying that and tempting fate.
I'm really, really looking forward to next summer, like you wouldn't believe. Shoots like this sexy delivery with handsome hunk Alexis Geronzi only make me more desperate for it to get here quickly.
He's looking fine in the snuggest of swimwear from the MACHITO POSTA brand (not a sponsor, but if they want to hit us up we're here for them! lol) and photographer Adan Romero.
It might be mostly a fashion shoot but there's definitely a whole lot of sexiness to appreciate. You have to admit that you'd love to attend a pool party with this guy there.
We don't know anything about him really, other than he's apparently a self-confessed geek. Yeah, hotties do exist in the geek world and that only makes them even hotter in my opinion.
I'd gladly go to Fire Island or Comic-Con with this handsome stud, wouldn't you?
Have a lovely Tuesday, and leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button before you go :)

Green, I Hope (Vert j’espère) with blue, I’m blue , all is said!