Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell

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It's certainly not unusual for us to have hot and hunky Rugby players on the Gay Body Blog, but this is actually the first time we've seen studly James Haskell here. He's certainly a welcome addition!

He's another in a long line of gorgeous sporty studs - specifically from the sport of Rugby - to get his kit off for the fans, and I'm sure he won't be the last. It's something that often amazes me, the fact that Rugby is so open and honest about things, compared to football (soccer for our American readers ;) ). While football in the UK is still tackling racism and homophobia, Rugby has been utterly mature and sensible, accepting openly gay players, involvement in charities and being out in the gay community, the sporting bodies being supportive and outspoken about things...

Compared to the world of football, Rugby is a hell of a lot more modern and advanced, more professional and more equal. I have no doubt that football will get there eventually, but I think they need to get rid of all the old men in the sporting bodies before anything really changes.

Anyway, enjoy the sight of this immense muscled hunk and his daring nature. He looks like a lot of fun, doesn't he? ;)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (1)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (2)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (3)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (4)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (5)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (6)

Studly Rugby Hunk James Haskell (7)

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11 years ago

Who’s the rugby player on the far left in the fourth photo? The one with the curly hair? Anyone? He’s hot, and I want to research him!

11 years ago

Rugby players are as hot as hockey players! My opinion. 🙂

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