Straight Jogging Buddies Fuck!

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It's definitely time for some hard dick action on the blog, and I think this hot jock sex scene from Next Door World will do very nicely! It stars one of my favorite performers in their gang - the sexy James Jameson. He's a handsome and hunky red head with a great dick, and he has some special skills that we occasionally get to see in a video too. He can suck his own dick! Yes, I love seeing a guy doing that, and when the guy is actually straight too it makes it even hornier to watch.

His scene partner for this one is the smooth and beefy jock boy Duke Ryder, a pretty new name in gay porn as far as I can tell. But, after seeing him in this video I know he's going to do well in the future.

The guys are playing the part of a couple of straight jogging buddies coming in from a good run, and you know that most guys get the post-workout horn. A little hinting and horny discussion has them both needing some action real bad, so they turn on each other to satisfy their needs.

Okay, so we know that this rarely actually happens, but I know you all have at least one straight buddy you would love to have this kind of experience with. Go on, give him a go and see what happens, then come back and tell us all about it too ;)

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