Straight Jock Sucked Off

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How many of you guys now have that countdown to the weekend going on in your mind? I know I do. I have some plans for this weekend, camping out in a field with my best bud and watching a few bands, drinking far too much and - hopefully - getting some cock action going on too. Although my buddy is straight, some jerk off fun is never out of the question.

So I was getting in the mood for all that today and I was looking through the archives of the Randy Blue site (which you know is a favorite!) and I found this really hot vid from way back in 2010 with this straight jock sucked off for the first time by a dude.

Trevor Snow is the straight jocks name, and he is most definitely hot and horny in this video with Andrew Stark. Although the dude had never rubbed his cock against another guys meat before he really gets into it, and the oral servicing his new buddy gives him is definitely met with approval!

I have a feeling that this straight jock might have realized all the fun he could have, and maybe that freaked him out a little too? He hasn't been back on the site since getting his cock gobbled. That's a real shame, but I guess he left more room for some other horny men to get their freak on too! lol

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12 years ago

I so want to feel their bods, sooooooooooooo hot!!!!!!! thanks.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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