Straight Jock Servicing With Enrike

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You already know I love the straight jock servicing videos from Maskurbate.

I've been a fan of the studio for a long time.

While they're not shooting new scenes anymore they've got a big back catalog of horny cock play sessions to enjoy. They're releasing new longer edits of their hottest scenes with their sexiest guys, too.

It's pretty hot to see all the moments they previously edited out.

I guess when you're shooting action like this the scene needs to be a certain number of minutes, but these extra long sessions are so much hotter. I can't believe they cut so much from the original releases.

This new video with Enrike is one that's made hotter with the extra footage.

The handsome and hunky dude is back to get his big dick stroked and sucked. After the lucky director works his dick for him and takes him to the edge a few times Enrike is switching things up with a Fleshlight.

No doubt you've seen a few guys fucking those toys over the years. Several studios made videos like it but none produced videos this good. We really get a great long session with Enrike and his director. By the time he's done that load has properly gushed out big and messy.

I do wish they were still delivering straight jock servicing sessions like this, but for the price of a month or two membership you get access to all their dick-pleasing sessions and it's well worth it.

I doubt you'll be able to watch them all in a month, but it would be fun to try!

Check out some of the pics of Enrike getting his cock pleased, and click here for the full-length video, plus hundreds more :)

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Bom (⁠●⁠’⁠3⁠)⁠♡⁠(⁠ε⁠`⁠●⁠)

1 year ago

dommage : il ne disparait pas à la fin de la représentation!

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