Still Loving Aussie Model James Yates

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We last saw handsome Australian jock model James Yates back in March, after a few other posts featuring this gorgeous guy, and for some reason his sexy bod and stunning face popped into my head again this morning and I got out there looking for more of him.

I have to admit that I was hoping to find a new sexy shoot with the guy, but instead I had to gather together a few other random pics I'm pretty sure we haven't seen on the blog before.

You can kind of tell when some of these were taken, because he's very much the ripped and handsome jock today while some of these photos show him as being a little more lean and smooth.

I'm not sure if I prefer him now or back then.

Actually, who am I kidding, I wouldn't be kicking him out of my bed either way!

He really is one of the sexiest Aussie guys I've seen in recent years, which isn't an easy thing to say considering so many Aussies are damn fine looking guys.

Enjoy these pics, let me know in the comments if you lust after him as much as I do (you couldn't possibly) and feel free to share this post with all your friends and followers out there!

Have a glorious Saturday :)

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5 years ago

I’m especially digging him with the shorter hair! It really suits him.

5 years ago

Best Off underwear Bjorn Borg ; I’m always a fan

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