Still In Lust With Benjamin Godfre

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I ache today. I spent most of yesterday marching through the streets of London with a couple of hundred thousand other people telling the US President to go to hell. It was an amazing day, but I'm paying for it today! I don't think I've ever walked that far in that kind of heat, but it was worth it. I'm rewarding myself with a little indulgence today. It's been more than a year since we last saw one of my fave men on the Gay Body Blog, so when I saw one new pic of him showing off his cock I knew we needed to have another post about him. I'm talking about Benjamin Godfre, of course. If you don't know who he is, let me fill you in (so to speak)... He's an American male model who got a lot of attention when he was caught out jerking off on webcam. Fans soon identified the anonymous dick and rather than shy away from it Benjamin embraced his horny exhibitionist side and ultimately became a well-known figure in erotic photography and art. Although I believe he's technically straight, he's one of those guys who jerks off a lot, and he seems to be one of those guys you could kick back and have a smoke and a stroke with. He's a fascinating guy, with a great dick, and he's not at all shy about sharing it with the world. Check out some of the new pics I found of him and let me know what you guys think in the comments! :) Have a fantastic Saturday!

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6 years ago

I love him. I saw him in some fetish tickle videos and he’s hilarious and sexy at the same time. 🙂

6 years ago

First my thanks for marching- WE ARE SO PHYSICALLY & Mentally Wiped Out here , I had to take a huatus from any news but I’ll be back!

BGodgre is so nice, so friggin hot , any person would love to ride naked on a skateboard in the streets with him!!- I’ve been following him a very long time- in fact, have the B&W photos before any tats- but he’s got that hidden “ arsenal “ his equally amazing brother!!…somewhat different looks but you know they’re bros… I lost touch when he began his site & then really took off- wish him well! And Joseph Sayers- I have followed but JS I think is retired- takes a lot to stay in shape!!

I’m organizing my pics on my iMac these past couple weeks because I got a new apartment ; time consuming but BG and JS have folders…
I don’t have one of the pics above so thanks for that Conran and keep marching because the racism he brings out of people for example , leads to darker & darker lives for all of us but this week was the Supreme Court Nomination which hopefully will not pass-
Have a beautiful Summer !!

6 years ago

He’s a beauty, as is his allp-American accessory!

6 years ago

Nice JO scenes. But this man needs needs to do a hot bottoming video.

6 years ago

Holy fuck. I wonder how many Benjamins it would take to get with him.

1 year ago

Chicken fuck me baaby —

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