Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser

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I do love the shoots for DNA magazine, and when they get a guy like Dylan Rosser taking the photos for a shoot like this it ends up creating something truly hot and sexy. I know I've mentioned it before, but isn't it remarkable how different photography is when it's intended for gay men compared to all the usual ad campaigns you see everywhere else? We don't mess around guys, we know what works and we know how to make a shoot stand out from all the bland marketing out there ;)

But then I guess with men like Steven Dehler and Montana Volby standing there before you in very little, with their sexy bulges on show, you can't really go wrong, can you? lol

I don't mean to diminish the work of a photographer in any way, but with two gorgeous guys like this posing in front the lens you could use a camera on a phone from ten years ago and still end up with something delicious. At least that's what I think. Dylan Rosser's style and talent definitely adds to it though, making me want to book a holiday in the sun, and take a couple of gorgeous friends with me too ;)

Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (1) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (2) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (3) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (4) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (5) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (6) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (7) Steven Dehler And Montana Volby By Dylan Rosser (8)

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12 years ago

they broke up….

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