Steve Grand

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I was just going to add some photos featuring this hottie and say something about him that's nice and fluffy, but I'm going to be a little more honest in this post, and possibly upset a few adoring fans too. If you don't think you can take it, look away now, scroll down and drool a little, and just ignore what I'm about to say...

I guess the media have been hyping him up a little, and the gay press out there have been determined to make a meal out of his sudden popularity too. But there's no denying that Steve Grand is more than just a hot body and a handsome face. He's not actually the first out gay country music star as some seemed to have been touting (KD Lang immediately springs to mind, but I guess women don't count?)

A friend of mine also told me about Steve Grand praising his "conversion" therapist, a guy who tried to tell the teenaged Grand that his homosexuality was a mental disorder. Apparently his parents were not happy with a gay son and tried to "turn him straight". It seems very odd for a man secure in his gayness to be praising a "therapist" involved in such a dangerous and damaging system.

Then there's also the fact that Steve Grand supports a Catholic Church in Lemont, Ill, and works with them as a musical director. Again, this is a little odd considering that church specifically raises funds to try to keep gay people below them, attacking gay equality and marriage rights.

I know what you're thinking, he's cute, he's sexy, and he's hot. But when you get beyond that nice exterior, are we really just looking at a self-loathing gay man riding the coat-tails of being the "first openly gay country music singer" for nothing more than fame?

Steve Grand (1)

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11 years ago

I’ve met him, and the answer to your question is… I really don’t think so. The “praise” for the psychotherapist was for the work with him overall; he has never praised any of the conversion therapy.

Also, Steve has never called himself a “country music” singer or song writer. That was everyone else’s doing.

Steve was raised Catholic, and what he has said is that he plays piano in at least one Catholic church, for income. Hard to fault him for making money playing the piano… this doesn’t make him self-loathing at all.

Having heard him in person, and met him, he seems ANYTHING but self-loathing to me.

He is passionate about music and honest about his sexual orientation. The gay community shouldn’t eat it’s own, or be eager to find ways to criticize.

But what do I know?

11 years ago
11 years ago

You should listen to his interviews, then you would appreciate his honesty and sincerity.

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