Steve Boyd Teases With Some Nudity!

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You guys really seemed to enjoy the last post featuring some classically styled shots of the hunky male model Steve Boyd, so when I saw these cool erotic shots of the hunk out there I thought it was about time we had another post of pics featuring the dude.

Of course, I still think he has that certain look about him. Even though these shots are more romantic and less "gritty" in the way the previous ones were, his face still gives that movie star impression, don't you think? I mean, looking at these pics you could still really imagine him playing the role of James Bond - or at least I could. That just goes to show that you could put a guy with a unique look like his in almost any scene and his handsome face would still raise the same feeling.

The fact that he has this awesome style that's so hard to fake really impresses me. I've seen other male models try to pull it off for some big brands and completely fail to appear credible. But I guess that's why Steve Boyd is so successful?

Unfortunately, I don't know who is responsible for taking these pics, but I'm guessing there's at least two photographers involved here. The styles are a little different, and I'm not sure whether I prefer the beach shots or the nude suggestive pic further down. Ha! who am I kidding? ;)

Naked Model Steve Boyd Handsome Male Model Steve Boyd Steve Boyd Naked Steve Boyd Nude Steve Boyd Muscle Hunk Steve Boyd Sexy Steve Boyd Naked Male Model Steve Boyd

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13 years ago

i don’t know why some of the images are in strips like that, but i still like what i see

13 years ago

He definitely has the look! 🙂

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