Steaming Up Your Sunday With Sexy Blake Postma

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It's been five years since we last saw handsome Blake Postma showing off some underwear, so when one of my buddies sent me these pics this morning I knew we had to have him on the blog for you guys to check out some more.

It's fair to say that he's changed a little bit since those first photos. He was gorgeous back then, a real buff young jock hunk, but he's a little leaner and more natural now in my opinion. I'll take him either way!

These images by photographer Ray John Pila really show his diversity, and they're a great tease for those of us who really want to see him in some sexy nude shoots.

Is it fair to suggest that he has that whole all-American jock boy look down to a fine art? You can totally imagine him dating all the cheerleaders in high school, right?

Great, now I'm imagining him in a wrestling singlet and I don't think I'm gonna get that image out of my head for hours.

Check him out, admire that bod, appreciate his gorgeous face. Leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him, I'll add him to my list if you guys like him as much as I do :)

Enjoy your Sunday, you lovely people!

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5 years ago

I really agree with you. I would take Blake both ways.

5 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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