Stas Vokman Is Back At Maskulo, With Big Dicked Fedor King!

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Well, I wasn't expecting to see this in my email inbox this morning, but I was very happy it arrived!

You might remember that photographer Stas Vokman was working with the Russian fetish brand Maskulo for quite a while, delivering some truly amazing work with some seriously hunky models.

We loved it, even though we weren't officially promoting the brand we were happy to do so while enjoying their gorgeous hunks in such sexy images.

I could be wrong about this but I got the impression Stas parted ways with the company a couple years back because the images totally dried up. Maybe I was just out of the loop and not finding them, but that's definitely how it felt.

Stas was still taking photos of gorgeous men, like Fedor King and his huge meaty cock, so we still had his excellent images to enjoy now and then.

I have to admit I did miss his work with Maskulo, they had a very sexy style and some awesome male models to work with.

It appears a reunion might have taken place recently, and it looks like the photographer has brought his handsome and hung model back with him to the fetish brand for this shoot showing off some of their sexy gear.

We all like seeing Fedor and his big dick, and we all like seeing Stas delivering these sexy poses with the sleek and stylish gear of this brand. Let's hope they're all ready to deliver a lot more in the months to come!

Let me know what you think in the comments, and click here if you want to see previous posts with Fedor and his big dick :)

Have a great Tuesday!

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J.A. Fludd
3 years ago

Did he really have to have a cigarette in those last two shots?

D.T. Grutzmacher
D.T. Grutzmacher
3 years ago

Was going to give this guy a thumbs up until the cigarette pics.

graham louw
graham louw
3 years ago

nice firm body -strange underwear
but the cigarette
it spoils his appearance other than that hes cute

3 years ago

dommage qu’il fume !

graham louw
graham louw
3 years ago

i agree the cigarette -not on, nice firm body, the underwear
again not good, it mus be very uncomfortable-lovely nipples
and lovely Dick…I would enjoy playing with it..hes cute

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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