Starting The Week With Fresh New Hottie! Check Out Tim Donkin

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Happy Monday!

Because I obviously missed posting yesterday (long story, sorry about that) I'm delivering a double whammy of hotness for you guys this morning, starting with handsome and fit Tim Donkin.

Even though he looks very much like a male model in these pics by an unknown photographer, he's apparently not a male model at all.

I guess he is by default, but after a little searching there was next to nothing I could find out about him other than he seems to be regular dude who happens to look absolutely gorgeous and somehow found his way in front of the camera.

I think we're all glad to see him, though. He could absolutely be a mainstream male model if he wanted to be and I can imagine he'd look great posing for an underwear brand.

Like I said, I don't know who took these photos of the sexy man, but he looks great posing at the pool and I think most of you would gladly follow him to the showers after lol

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he's straight, but that doesn't stop us from appreciating his handsome face, his gorgeous body and his temping bulge :)

And yes, it says "Lunch" on his underwear. I'm saying nothing.

Enjoy, leave a comment, let me know what you think and stick around for more.

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William Moore
William Moore
3 years ago

Quick question. Where are the nudes of this handsome man and is this an underwear commercial or what? Comments welcome-

3 years ago

His being straight is actually part of his appeal. If we chatted about sports, for example, he’d likely have something substantial to contribute. If he quicky changes the conversation to his love of drag show queens … Yawn!

3 years ago

plouf coup dans l’eau, mais bon en dehors : on peut rêver, non ?

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