Starting My Week With More Of Saul Harris Naked

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Seeing Saul Harris naked is a great way to start the week, right guys? Monday mornings can be a little tough, but if you're like me and find it a little hard to get motivated sometimes, I hope this post might make things a little easier for you. We've seen him on the Gay Body Blog before, of course, showing off his moves in a solo video for the Sean Cody site, then last week in a nude post with the sexy guy showing off his hairy body and that lovely cock. I'm reliably informed that he's considered a bear cub. If you know anything about me then you know I don't do well with all the labels for sub-cultures in the gay "scene". I don't care what guys call him, all I know is that he's adorable, sexy and totally worth checking out naked. Getting his clothes off his something he does a lot, but we're still wanting more. He's only been in one video jerking off for the Sean Cody website, but we would all love to see him back to share that dick with one of their other guys. I doubt that's gonna happen. I'm pretty sure he's totally straight. But we can still enjoy his sexiness in these naked shots and anticipate more in the future!

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3 years ago

OMG! Would love to suck his cock! Mmm

3 years ago

Could fuck my mouth and ass anytime he likes!

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