Starting 2022 Right, With More Of Killian Belliard
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've had a good end to the last one, whether you went out to celebrate or stayed home and had a few drinks like I did.
I promised that we'd have a real hottie to kick off this new year and as such I bring you more of insanely gorgeous hunk Killian Belliard.
If you've been here often enough over the last few years you'll know that we've enjoyed this gorgeous man numerous times in the past. We've seen him with a big bushy beard and some trimmed stubble. We've seen his awesome beefy ass and his big bulging cock. We've enjoyed him in numerous ways and we're always going to be ready for more.
This random collection of pics was gathered from all corners of the Internet. Some of them are older, some of them are fresh. I think the pics of him with that very 70s style haircut are pretty new and while I wanted to find the full shoot I didn't have much luck.
Maybe I'll give it another try later.
In the meantime, enjoy him in all his glorious hotness and let's all hope we get plenty more of him in 2022. He really is one of the most gorgeous men we have ever seen here on the blog and the fact that he's so relaxed about getting naked really makes him something special.

Words are inadequate to describe how stunningly beautiful this man is.
This man is absolute perfection!
Delightful to see you starting off the year with a natural and masculine model. Sometimes I think I’ll throw up if I see another shaved bald fish boy. They all look the same with their bald cliche’ 6 packs. Thanks guys.
Que 2022 soit un nouveau voyage vers les étoiles que vous nous offrirez en partage !