Sporty Hunks Cory Bond and Jason Morgan by Matt Albiani

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Okay, I think I might have the whole Olympic thing on the brain recently. But that's fair enough, I love some of the Olympic sports, and the opportunity to watch some gorgeous guys with a lot of muscle on show should never be missed!

So I was browsing a couple of days ago and I found this collection of really sexy pics with that sporty theme in mind, and although they're not very revealing they do have a certain element of sexiness about them.

There are so many gorgeous men in sport, and watching them moving is pretty hot in itself, so when you get a shoot like this with some obvious sexual overtones to it and some teasing images, I think it has to be shared around.

The sporty hunks of this shoot are Cory Bond and Jason Morgan, photographed by Matt Albiani - a favorite of mine. The images were taken for DaMan magazine for a sportswear editorial, and I think they did the job nicely!

Regular readers of ours will probably know that Cory Bond is the dark haired hottie joined by his handsome and blond fellow model for this shoot, and I have confess that I don't know which of these guys is sexier.

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12 years ago

OH MY, I absolutely lust these pics!! thanks…

12 years ago

I first laugh when I remember myself when I was really young and those parellel bars were taller then I was and just the thought, was like King Kong climbing the Empire State Building BUT he had no problem..but I was persistent and did get up there and it was the idea of the simplicity of this sport that a Human would devise??!?.That’s how my brain worked and why I NEVER made into any sports…but I did get up on the parellel bars a couple times but what was more fun was watching the guys that had really gotten good, in the higher grades,with arms 10 times the size of mine..and that’s when I realized what this sport meant..really hot pics!


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