Sporty Boy Jody Nikolas Shoots A Big Cum Load

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You probably know already that I like to inquire with some of my porn-loving friends about the guys that get their dicks stiff and I like to occasionally share those guys with you.

Well, one of my friends urged me to check out this new arrival at BelAmi and he told me that I should read the comments.

This is allegedly Jody Nikolas' first time getting naked and jacking off on camera, but as I learned from those comments he's actually been in gay European porn for a while under a different name. It's like producers forget that we watch porn from different studios, or something! lol

Maybe they filmed with him before anyone else did and they've just been keeping this shoot in storage?

I'm not complaining about it, if anything it just shows that this former Hockey player has a good following of fans who want to see him in more videos, and that increases the chances of him coming back for more.

He's hot, sporty, horny and confident, and he has a lot of cum to splash over himself at the end of a good long jerk off session. And yes, he tastes it too!

He's allegedly in straight porn now. I'll let you make of that what you will but I guess that means he's bisexual.

Whatever the deal is he's hot and you're gonna want to click here to see his stroke show. Be ready for a big messy finish!

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2 years ago

Looks like a tasty mess…If ever he needs a hand, happy to clean up after too! 😉

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