Spooging In The Dorm Showers With Dakota Payne And Jayden Marcos

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I've actually heard of this happening before, with signs put up in communal showers instructing men not to dump their loads in there.

I don't get it. If all it takes is some cum loads to block up your drains then maybe you've just installed shit drainage and need to invest in something new? lol

Still, whether this is true or not it makes a good start to a horny fuck session for college dudes Dakota Payne and Jayden Marcos in this new video from Next Door Studios.

Dakota has discovered the new sign on the shared dorm bathroom instructing all the boys to refrain from beating off, which I think we all agree is an impossible ask.

Thankfully he doesn't have to worry about it too much because his dorm buddy Jayden is soon on the scene and ready to give him somewhere else to dump his hot seed!

I do love a good shower sex scene and these guys deliver something hot, with boners being slurped and hole being pumped until those jizz loads are ready to be released.

And no, they don't care about blocking up the pipes with their heavy splashes!

Click here for the full video, it's a good one.

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