Spending Christmas Eve With Sexy Ángel Ruiz

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Are you all ready for Christmas Day tomorrow? I thought I was, but it's all a little stressful. If you have a family like mine and you're expected to be there to enjoy the day with as many of them as possible, you'll know how I'm feeling. Don't worry, though, I have a large bottle of Jack Daniels to take with me and he's always good at seeing me through a stressful family event lol

I'm distracting myself a little with someone very hot today, and I hope you'll join me in marveling at this gorgeous man, his sexy ass, and with some pretty interesting photography skills being displayed by Erick Monterrosa.

Is this the same Ángel Ruiz we saw a shoot from back in January? Is he a photographer too? I don't know why that would be surprising, I think we've seen photographers appear in front of the cameras more than ten times in the past and they always seem to deliver something special with another guy behind the lens.

Whatever the deal is, we wouldn't mind seeing more of this handsome man and that sexy body, and I think I'll have to spend some time looking for more work by this photographer too. I wonder how many nude shoots he's released into the world?

Have a lovely Christmas Eve, and if you feel the need to stop by tomorrow (maybe just for a little distraction from the day?) I'll have something new posted for you.

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6 years ago

he’s not a snack, he’s the whole Christmas dinner! yum!

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