Spanish Muscle Hunk Ramiro Lozano

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Happy Thursday everyone, I have a lovely Spanish muscle hunk to share with you all today and I know many of you are going to want more of him.

This is not the first time we've enjoyed this sexy man here on the blog.

We first saw Ramiro Lozano back in September 2020, then again in April 2022.

I'm really not sure why we're not checking him out more regularly. He definitely should be posing for photographers more often than once every few years.

I'm guessing this is mostly my fault. It usually is. I do try to keep track of hotties out there but there's just so many of them I would need an operations center and a full staff! lol

So, what can I tell you about this Spanish muscle hunk?

He's based in Barcelona and he's not just a male model. Maybe that's why we don't see him as regularly as I think we should? He's also an architect and an "influencer" (I still hate that term lol)

I haven't seen any of his work in architecture but being an arty kind of guy I wouldn't mind checking it out.

These photos are by Buda Faiz and I love them for their simplicity and sexiness. We almost get to see some dick, but I think we might get more of that in a future shoot. Fingers crossed!

Enjoy him again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, share the post. I'll see you back here tomorrow for a hot Friday hunk :)

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Ivan Kirakov
Ivan Kirakov
1 year ago

…As Antoine Saint-Exupéry used to say… Some things are only visible with the heart…

1 year ago

Don’t touch the brushing ! (Belgian sort of humoristic sense of life)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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