Why Do I Love Spanish Men? Here’s Why!

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I've mentioned a few times in the past that I have a thing for Spanish men, and even thought I think a lot of you probably know what I'm talking about I think these photos of the stunning Oliver Ruano might reinforce my opinion.

Having been to Spain, one of the most prominent things I noticed was how many absolutely GORGEOUS young men there were there. I mean they were everywhere. They worked in all the bars, they worked in all the hotels, they were on market stalls and driving cabs, they were absolutely all over the place.

Although the beeches were packed with tourists, you could pick out the native Spanish guys from the crowd of bodies not only because they were naturally tanned compared to all the pasty or sun-burnt Brits (sorry but it's true lol), but because they were all handsome, lithe, muscled, and had big dick bulges packed into tight trunks or loose shorts too.

This handsome male model is new to the business, but I know he's going to go far. He's so incredibly hot in my opinion, and after seeing him in this shoot I will definitely be out there on the net looking for more of him.

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