Spanish Hunk David Novoa Is Too Tempting

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Hey, remember last week when I was complaining about that giant orange ball in the sky? Well, it's gone, and it's been replaced by a torrent of watery stuff falling from the sky instead. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I was going to go to the gym this morning, but the weather dissuaded me. I feel guilty about it now, especially after seeing these extremely hot photos of handsome Spanish model David Novoa posing and showing off the results of his efforts.

Maybe some donuts will make me feel better? lol

This is the first time we've seen him, but after enjoying this shoot by photographer Tarek del Moreno for E.S Collection I think we're gonna need more. I did do a little digging to see what else I could find out about him but other than being a social media "influencer" (I hate that term with a passion) there's not much else. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's a personal trainer, just because it seems that's what every hunky male model like him does for a "proper job" lol

Can you imagine having this guy on your back for a proper workout session?

Okay, stop sweating for a moment and imagine sharing the shower with him after :)

Leave a comment like a good reader and don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button on your way out. And hey, if you feel like sharing the post, I might love you even more.

Have a fab Tuesday!

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5 years ago

Beautiful specimen of male beauty

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