Some Sexy Hunks In Underwear For Alexander COBB

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It's time for some underwear bulges, and what sexy bulges they are too! We haven't seen anything from Alexander COBB for a while, but these photos definitely deserve to be shared. Are you a boxer or brief guy? I'm more about the boxers these days, I like to have my boys flopping around freely most of the time. But, that's not to say I don't appreciate something a little more form-fitting when the need is there. There's no doubt that tighter undies look sexier than boxers for when you're hooking up with a guy, right? I mean, if you're getting your clothes off in front of another dude you don't want to be wearing those boxers you bought two years ago, you want something like these to really show everything off in the right way. Unless you're getting it on with me. I'm one of those rare guys who actually loves to see a guy in some loose fitting boxers, with everything swinging around and at risk of flopping out :) Whatever you're into, these guys are pretty sexy and I think you'll appreciate them. I don't have any names to share with you, but if you can identify someone here then please leave a comment so I can go and look for more of them! Have a lovely Thursday.

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