Some Rather Manly Packages
I guess it's been a little while since we had some bulge action going on. I know there are pics here and there of some sexy packages but I love getting full posts of guys showing it ;)
Although, I have to confess that I'm not entirely sold on the styles of these. I know this isn't a "fashion" blog, but I have to ask, are these Aussie Bum's all that? Some of these have no shape to them, they're like colorful bags wrapped around them lol
Of course, it's the guys appearing in these that are the main focus (but if this were a fashion blog I would be ripping into some of these Aussie Bum's for sure lol)
So these guys have been shot for the Manhunt International contest - and I feel now that I should know more about that than I actually do. I would do some research, but it's late here and these guys have distracted me a little.
The pics were taken by Haruehun Airry, I thought I'd better mention that in case you miss the name across the middle of all the guys. ;)
Sexy men, with sexy bulges, in some less than sexy Aussie Bum branded gear. Ignore the fashion, but love the man - I think that's gonna be my new motto. Maybe that means I can finally date the cute guy in the local coffee house who insists on wearing a hipster hat despite being in his mid thirties? lol