Some Random Naked Men To Make Your Thursday

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We're nearly at the end of another week, and I know I'm not the only one glad the weekend is very nearly here. I'm going out this weekend, I plan to drink a lot and ignore the news (hopefully). Before we get to the weekend I have some guys to share with you, and I expect to see some appreciative comments from you guys about these dudes. Which one would you love to spend the night with? I'm starting this post off with the incredibly teasing photo of handsome Scottish Rugby hunk Thom Evans naked. If you didn't catch this news over the last couple of days, he's posed naked (kind of) for charity, ready to auction the signed photo for the Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK’s leading sexual health charity. Photographer Daniel Jaems was the lucky guy getting to hang out with him for the shoot, and I get the feeling the official photo might not be the only one in existence. I have thoughts about this that I think you'll agree with... is it really a naked photo in the true sense of the term? I mean, it's hardly adult, he's not really showing a whole lot. Unless, of course, this widely reported photo isn't the one that's going to be auctioned? I don't know, it just seems like a bit of a halfhearted effort. Enjoy the other actual naked photos, and make sure you leave a comment down below! Rugby player Thom Evans naked Hung naked man naked muscle man three naked fraternity boys uncut muscle cock muscle daddy with a thick cock proud naked guy selfie

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TFL 1984
TFL 1984
7 years ago

I vote the 5th picture from the top. He doesn’t have the biggest prick but since the size of that organ never floats my boat anyway, that’s fine. He’s the most musclebound — that’s always the winner. When I swoon, he’ll be strong enough to catch me. ; )

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