Some Muscle-bound Pics Of Stunning Roman Dawidoff To End The Week

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We all love both of the Dawidoff brothers, and it's impossible for most of us to pick a favourite I think we all agree on that. They both have things about them that make each of them special in their own way. In this instance we're taking a look at the gorgeous hunk that is Roman Dawidoff, a stunning man with bulging muscles in all the right places and the kind of face you could gaze at for days without becoming bored. He's been photographed so many times, by so many great photographers too, but in this case it's Ruslan Elquest delivering the goods in some truly delicious images that really show off the handsome hunks fine physique. When I'm feeling a little lethargic and lazy, when I can't be bothered to get my ass down to the gym in the morning, all I need to do is look at some pics of this man (or his brother, or some others on a short list of hotness) and I suddenly feel far more motivated to get up and do something. Leave a comment and share this post around too. Most of all, just take some time to look over this stunning man in all his glorious goodness :) Have a great Friday guys!

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8 years ago

Grade A prime beef…

Alex Casanova
8 years ago

Hot body and lips!

8 years ago

I really would love this photographs if they did not use these filters.. He does not need a filter.( #2 especially)

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