Some Hot Billy Santoro Selfies!

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So I was thinking about what I could share with you guys today for a naked post, and although I had it in my head that some hot hunks flashing their cocks in some selfies might be the way to go, when I found this collection of selfies from porn hunk Billy Santoro I knew you guys would probably appreciate seeing them on the blog :)

If you love seeing real masculine men getting their freak on with other really hot men on video then you're probably already pretty familiar with this hunk and his love of all things horny. The versatile performer has a lot of fans out there, because of his skills on video and because of that muscled and masculine look he has.

There are a lot of great guys in the gay porn business, but for those who love their men really hunky this is the kind of guy we look for. Yes, I love guys like this too, I'm not so into the twinky performers.

As you can probably tell Billy Santoro likes to show off even when he's not getting paid to do it. This is all for his fans, the guys who really appreciate him, and we appreciate him more for sharing :)

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3 months ago

He’s cute and sexy, but he’s problematic with his views

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