Some Guys Just Look Insanely Good Shirtless, Angelos Theocharides Is One Of Them

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I've been slowly getting back into going to the gym and trying to get back in shape after a couple of years of basically doing nothing. It's hard, but it definitely helps to see men like Angelos Theocharides showing off their incredible body.

If this incredible hunk doesn't inspire you to want to pick up and put down heavy things repeatedly then I don't know what could! lol

I don't actually know a whole lot about him but I'm going to assume from his name that he's Greek.

Of course he's a personal trainer. I think I've established that almost every man who has a body like this has to work in a gym, there's no other option. That's not the kind of job I'd want but if this is the result of that maybe I'm in the wrong career?

Photographer Stavros Christodoulou is responsible for bringing us this handsome and hairy hunk in these photos, and we've seen their work before a few times. They're great at delivering very handsome and hunky men in very sexy poses.

I think we might need to see more of this sexy man in the future.

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2 years ago

In Winter he can make me warm all over with that fur!

2 years ago

Tatts aside, love the fur!

11 months ago

angelo tu est vraiment top tres viril et super beau

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