Some Classic Hunky Muscle – By Bruce Weber

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Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

I have a few friends over this evening, and I'm preparing a traditional feast (is wine and Pringles considered traditional these days? lol)

I have absolutely no doubt that by 11pm we'll be playing a drunken game of charades or who am I? - or a warped mixture of both.

But I have enough time to pop in here and say hi to all you gorgeous boys and offer you some delicious pics from the awesome photographer Bruce Weber. He's one of the most talented and emulated photographers on the planet, and there is no doubt about his ability to capture some of the most gorgeous men in the perfect shot.

I really was surprised to see that we hadn't added a post of some of his work before, but it does go without saying that there are probably quite a few of his images here on the blog in posts dedicated to some of the sexiest male models in the business.

What else can I say in this post? I think I'll leave you by saying I hope you all have a great day tomorrow, filled with love and happiness surrounded by all the people important to you. x

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber


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13 years ago

GOLD sneakers:: that is Roberto Bolle ,the ballet dancer.I have this book.Last year I spent so much money to get seats at Lincoln Center in NYC to see him dance..he’s a principle dancer for ABT(American Ballet Theater)….and I don’t know JIVE about ballet but he’s a hot Italian! I go to the first ballet..I DID see him the previous year in one…but the last year were many that he was in.I just did not know the cardinal RULES of seeing ballet..THEY GET INJURED and THEY never know till that curtain goes up, who is dancing..not even the program is up to date!..HE SICKED OUT for every performance but I learned about Ballet, and the subs were also principle dancers and it was STILL amazing to watch..they are true athletes ,IN TIGHTS WITH HOT ASSES 🙂



13 years ago

beautiful photos

I wish you merry christmas and a happy new year 🙂

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