Solo Shoots In The Woods With Aleksei Dem

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Something we saw a lot more of during the pandemic was models and photographers finding new ways to work together. Some of the selfie series' from models were very impressive, with guys who would usually pose for a skilled photographer taking snaps of themselves at home.

I don't know whether that was what Aleksei Dem was doing for this woodland shoot, but it's interesting from an amateur photography perspective.

We have seen this man before, just back in November.

That was another woodland shoot, but it was by another photographer.

This time it's all about Aleksei, using his own camera to stage these images.

Of course, we have to consider the connection to cruising here. Maybe it wasn't intended, perhaps it's just my biased brain making that link, but whenever I see a man like this showing off naked in the woods I instantly go to that frame of context.

It's interesting. I'm not entirely sure what the fairy wings mean but I guess you'll have your own thoughts on that :)

Enjoy this shoot. It's fun, it's interesting, it has me wanting to go to the cruisy spots around town lol

Have a great Thursday, and if you're going out wrap up warm.

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3 years ago

Definitely see the cruising element in play here. After some thought I’m not really getting the wings (in a variety of shades). Maybe a sign of naked and free and flying around? Honestly this is my least favorite shoot of all time. My opinion of course.

3 years ago

I swear I left a comment somewhere here??????
Where has it gone

3 years ago

Erm, why?

3 years ago

Oh yes, he will be my angel! If Jay and ramps don’t want him …….

3 years ago

He’s all yours Eric. This just shows we all have different tastes and your opinion is just that, your opinion. He’s attractive and rugged, and I think if the styling of the shoot had been different I could easily had a very different response!! Cheers.

3 years ago

Jay, you’re right.

Ananda Weerasinghe
Ananda Weerasinghe
2 years ago

Nice pictures. You’ve pretty good uncut,well endowed soft-dick! Take care of that cute thing.

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